Regulated Heathcare Professionals

Paramedic UK offers customised medical services tailored to the needs of each service user

Our clinicians are regulated by the Health Care Profesionals Council,

giving you peice of mind for all your medical requirements

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Our Services

Paramedics UK offers a range of tailored services
Please let us know how we can help.

Medical Provisions

Health Care Profesional lead medical services, for your event or medical requirements.

Paramedic Services

Paramedic lead services, offering expert care with Advanced Life Support contingency.


Whether regulated or developing a service, Paramedics UK offers tailored consultancy for CQC Development and regulations.


Paramedics UK offers tailored consultancy services for your business or organisation


Governance reviews, to ensure your service is developing and practicing in line with national guidance.

Policy Audit

Deep dive into your policy and provedures to ensure your organisation is opperating with sucssess.

CQC Guidance

Specific guidance tailored to your CQC regulatory requirements to help you to gain your registration


Receive Paramedic ingiht from experianced clinicans into your clinical opperations and portfolio.

Recent Clients

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Please get in touch with any medical or consultancy querys